Nikole Smith
Nikole is Originally from Southern California, where she still resides. She began dancing at 2 1/2 years old at a local studio. Training at several local studios with her primary focus in Ballet Until the age of Twelve when she was introduced the Edge PAC in Hollywood. She Began training with the staff there as well as local studios such
as “Studio C” and “Huntington Academy of Dance”. Soon she was assisting classes and performing in choreography shows in and around Hollywood. At age 15 she
became a professional dancer booking her first of many job opportunities, at this time she also began her teaching career. A couple months later she was touring with Aaron
Carter, continuing this job for the next 2 1/2 years. Moving forward in her career with
appearances in Television and film including a few of these; The Muppet movie, Glee,
Americas Got Talent, Did you Hear about the Morgans?, Six feet under, Buffy the
Vampire Slayer, Even Stevens, Scrubs, and One Republics “All the Right Moves” video. She has had the privilege to work with choreographers such as Michael Rooney, Adam
Shankman, Anne Fletcher, Tony Michaels, Dee Caspary, Dan Karaty and many more.
Nikole is grateful for the teachers such as Gregg Russell who invested in her and gave
her the guidance that lead to her long career in dance. Her appreciation of these
teachers is a driving force behind her love of teaching and giving back what was given
to her.